Wheel of Fortune Auditions in Saratoga

Do you have big dreams of making it onto a game show? Your chance could be sooner than you thought. The Wheel of Fortune "Wheelmobile" will be heading to Vapor Night Club at Saratoga Casino and Raceway on June 2nd and 3rd.  There will be no Vanna or Pat though.

How it works:

There will be 3 shows each day; 12pm, 1:30pm and 3pm. Each "show" lasts about an hour. And there is no need to show up hours beforehand. Each person that arrives is given an contestant application. From there, 5 names are selected at random to participate in a game. Each contestant makes their way to the stage and is given a brief interview. At the end of each round, contestants that do make it to the stage are rewarded prizes like hats, bags and t-shirts. While it doesn't hurt to solve the puzzle, the judges are looking more for charisma, energy and unique qualities that would make for good t.v. 

After the Wheelmobile leaves, the people that most impress the judges are selected for another round of auditions before making it to the actual live show. And even if you don't make it to the stage, you still have a shot. More names are selected at random from the people who attend the auditions to go to the final round. Anyone that is selected will be notified by email and letter.

Good Luck!

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