Our Ability Connects Businesses and Employees With Disabilities

"Let us be the ones to take the burden of being uncomfortable. Let us allow you to ask questions so that we can come to answers so that we can open opportunities , especially for the business owners." -John Robinson, CEO of Our Ability

Everyone knows the stress involved in finding a job.  Everyone knows the stress of getting acclimated to a new job.  For those with disabilities, those stresses are only increased.  People with disabilities experience a higher joblessness rate than the general population.  That's an incredible waste of human resources, considering that 1.1 million New Yorkers have some kind of disability.   Many times the biggest obstacle is not the disability itself, but instead the discomfort and awkwardness that employers have when it comes to hiring someone who is disabled.

But that can change.  In this podcast, John Robinson, CEO of Our Ability speaks very directly about that discomfort and how to overcome it.  Our Ability has become not only a resource to the disabled community but also to businesses who are looking to hire, but are having trouble finding help.

For more information:  www.ourability.com

Photo: Getty Images

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