Stupid Criminals: Drunk Guy Hitches Ride Home on School Bus

In Philadelphia, a guy was drunk and needed a ride home. He'd been up partying all night and it was early in the morning. Instead of getting an Uber, he saw a school bus and decided to hop on because it was headed to school and that was close to him house.

So, this drunk guy hops on the school bus full of kids and the bus driver didn't say anything. When they got to school, one of the kids told a school resource officer. They found the guy in the parking lot and arrested him for trespassing.

A woman got rear ended at the Taco Bell in Omaha around 2 am. The guy who hit her denied doing it. She threatened to call the cops and he went nuts. She started filming him but he grabbed her phone at threw it into the snow. He got back in his car and started pushing her vehicle forward through the drive thru. Then, it got even crazier. He got out of his car, hopped into hers and drove it straight into a light pole. Then he got back into his car and took off. They got his license plate but not the guy yet. You can see the incident here.

Finally, a guy walked into a gas station in Alabama with a knife and tried to rob the place. But, the cashier took one look at the knife and reached under the counter and pulled out a machete and then locked the front door.

The robber chose not to get into a knife fight with the guy with a machete so he busted through the door to get out. But, the cashier followed him to his car and started pounding on it with the machete. The robber drove off but was stopped by police a short time later.

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