A woman in Tennessee went to her local Walmart to do some shopping at 4 am. She decided to use one of those motorized carts with a basket on the front. She drove it around the store... then out the door... then to the parking lot and finally onto the highway.
She was pulled over and then told police she was on her way to the Waffle House down the road to get coffee. She was arrested for stealing the scooter.
A theater student in Connecticut is really into "method acting". He and two friends were rehearsing a scene from the "Butterfly Effect" - The 2004 movie with Ashton Kutcher. He was supposed to attack them with a prop knife. But, he attacked them with a real knife. He stabbed one guy twice and the other guy 5 times. Both guys ended up in the emergency room and needed surgery.
It's unclear if he meant to stab them for real or if he just got a little too into the role. Either way, he ran off and hid in the woods for hours after it happened. He's been charged with assault and attempted murder.
And finally in Florida, a guy was driving his Ferrari through the Florida Keys. it's not clear if it was his car or if he rented it. But, he was doing 75 in a 45. So, a cop tried to pull him over. Of course, he just went faster, getting up to 100mph. The cop either lost him or let him go. But, caught up with him at a gas station a little while later.
When the cop asked him what he was doing, he responded that the "car is a Ferrari. It just goes fast". Well, the female passenger told a different story. She said he definitely saw the cop and decided to outrun him. So, he was arrested for fleeing police. And it turns out he has 9 other traffic convictions including going 100mph in a 55.