Stupid Criminals: Woman Throws Live Snake at Victim, Steals Car

A woman in South Carolina was getting into her SUV, when another woman came up to her and threw a snake at her. The first woman freaked out and when she was distracted by the snake, the other woman car jacked her.

She led police on a chase until she eventually crashed and then took off running. She was charged with car jacking.

A Tennessee family was on the road, visiting family in Florida. And as soon as they were getting ready to head home, the family's 13-year-old son stabbed his 15-year-old brother in the arm. The parents called the police and when they asked the kid why he stabbed his brother, he said "I'd rather be in jail than spend 8 hours in the car with him.

A burglar broke into a home in Kansas last week at about 5am. While he was there, he saw the homeowner had an inversion table. So, he strapped himself out to try it. But, he didn't have the strength to pull himself up to undo the straps, so he was trapped.

Eventually, the homeowner came downstairs and found him, but left him there, strapped in upside down until the police arrived.

And finally, a man in Canada was pulled over. The police found his two year old son in the front seat. But, not only that, he wasn't properly restrained. In fact, the father was using a case of beer for a booster seat. Fortunately, the beer was not opened, so they didn't charge him with any open container laws, but he is still facing all sorts of other charges.

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