Happy Hour: 5-Year-Old Named Albany's Youngest Citizen of the Month

A little boy that was profiled a while back in "Hump Day Happy Hour" received a big honor by Albany County. Malachi Houze was just recognized as the youngest Citizen of the Month at his school, the Brighter Choice School for Boys. Houze received a proclamation from the County after the 5-year old spent his summer making sandwiches with his aunt and delivering them to the homeless. He delivered about 4,000 sandwiches, along with chips and water.

Malachi says he hopes to deliver soup this winter and plans on getting his 2 year old sister involved next summer.  

75 years ago, a pair of cousins had to flee their native Romania when the Nazi's invaded in 1940. Each thought the other had died in the Holocaust, until recently. Thanks to Facebook, the two families reconnected. The cousins are now 85 and 87 and recently had a chance to come face to face for an emotional reunion. They hugged and cried... and so did everyone else in the room.

The Philadelphia Eagles old stadium was notorious for having a jail right there for unruly fans. Well, the new stadium features a new room for fans... with autism.

They are the first team in the NFL to build a sensory friendly room for families so that they can enjoy the game without overstimulating their fans with autism. It's a 500 square foot room with no windows. It's quieter and more secure with colors, lighting and sound all carefully chosen. It's open to fans with autism, anxiety, ptsd or anyone else who feels overwhelmed at the loud noises.

The Vikings and Jaguars are also following suit and opening similar accommodations at their stadiums.

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