Teen Barred From Homecoming Dance Because of Pantsuit

A Florida teen was barred from attending a homecoming game because she was sporting a black pantsuit and not a dress. Darcy Krueger is a home schooled teen. She however had the opportunity to attend events by Tampa Bay Homeschool Prom, the organization that put on the homecoming dance.

Krueger shopped around for dresses but didn't like any of her options. She instead went to her closet and chose a black pantsuit. She dressed it up with an up-do, necklace and sandals.

When Krueger arrived at the dance, she was denied access referring to the dress code. She was then told she could attend the dance if she went home and changed into a dress.

Krueger's mother was just as surprised and stated they had a "dress code that needs to be updated into the 21st century".

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