Stupid Criminals: Man Steals Charity Box by Hiding it Under Rubber Chicken

A guy in Canada went to a Tim Horton's restaurant carrying a rubber chicken. He walked to the counter and put the chicken on top of a little box of the counter that was collecting money for charity. He pretended to do something, then grabbed the chicken and walked out... with the donation box hidden under the chicken.

He was caught on camera but police have yet to find him.

A guy in Ohio took his SUV on a rampage at a gas station and it was all caught on video. It's unclear why he did it, but you can see him driving full speed at a gas pump, taking it out, then continuing to hit a truck, which hit another gas pump before catching fire.

Nobody was hurt, but the driver is facing a ton of charges.

Finally, in Australia, a stupid criminal went to a high end fashion store at 2am. He used a fishing pole to reach into the display and steal a versace necklace of a mannequin's neck. The whole process to him three hours and at times involved swapping out different length poles.

The entire incident was caught on security video.

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