Albany Cancels Alive at Five, Dad Fest


"Today, the City of Albany announced the cancellation of Alive at Five and Dad Fest. On Friday, May 22, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order banning all mass gatherings of more than 10 people until at least June 21 due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

As a result of this order and continued guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that recommends community-wide mass gatherings be cancelled, the City has decided it can no longer move ahead with Alive at Five or Dad Fest as originally scheduled. The City’s main priority is ensuring the health and safety of our residents and our community.

Over the past several Thursdays, the Office of Cultural Affairs has hosted a live streaming show viaFacebook Live called Live at Five. Live at Five features hour-long performances from 5pm to 6pm by artists singing a variety of originals and covers. Sawyer Fredericks will perform today, Thursday, May 28. Hip Hop Artist Souly Had is scheduled to perform on Thursday, June 4.

The City of Albany would like to thank title sponsor Key Bank for their continued support of Alive at Five and our community.

The status of upcoming events, including Jazz Festival (currently scheduled for September 12), and the Last Run 5K (currently scheduled for December 12), is still being evaluated at this time in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. The City of Albany will provide more information on the status of these events at a later date.

We hope everyone remains safe and we look forward to seeing you all at the Corning Preserve and Washington Park in 2021!"

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