Albany Officials Say They're Listening, Calling for Reform

Albany Common Council held a press conference Thursday afternoon, introducing a series of reforms.

The members want to repeal New York State Law 50A, which allows misconduct records of police officers, firefighters, and corrections officers to remain confidential. The law was passed in the 1970's and critics say that the law is too vague and shields police from public accountability.

The Council is also asking that the Albany Police Review Board be granted penal power. The nine member board was established 20 years ago as an independent body to review a complaint process without bias.

Mayor Kathy Sheehan and Police Chief Eric Hawkins also released a statement on Thursday announcing that the two will be hosting weekly conversations where Albany residents will be able to schedule time in person or virtually to have a dialogue on change in the city.

They say the demonstrations happening in Albany and across the country are having an impact. They say they believe that real change is necessary and the community must have a voice in that change.

Protesters gathered at City Hall for the conference and continued to march through the city.

Photo: Albany Common Council's Facebook page

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