On September 8th, Upstate Issues host Diane Donato was invited to the 109th Airlift Wing, at Stratton Air National Guard Base to learn about the amazing people who work both civilian jobs and serve part-time in the ANG. They, and those who serve full time, do incredible work supporting four federal missions: polar airlift, aero-medical evacuation, aerial port, and field hospital contingencies. They sacrifice months away from their loved-ones serving on missions that frequently take them to extreme conditions in Greenland and Antarctica. Much of their work is in support of vital scientific research. Travel with her on the Boss Lift in this special episode of Upstate Issues.
Staff Sergeant Taylor Richards and Diane Donato flying on LC130 out of 109th Airlift Wing, Stratton Air National Guard.
For more information on the 109th: https://www.109aw.ang.af.mil/
For more information on the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve: https://esgr.mil/About-ESGR/Contact/Local-State-Pages/New-York