Doug's Five Thoughts on the State of The Union Address

This past week was the 2023 State of The Union Address. What jumped out to you the most? Here are my five thoughts on the State of the Union that had nothing to do with the actual State of the Union…


  1. The run time of 1 hour and 12 minutes for the State of the Union: too long.
  2. The 1st Lady kissing the 2nd Gentleman on the lips: too weird.
  3. Kirsten Gillibrand waiting patiently in the greet line for the photo op with POTUS only to have POTUS not see her and move right past her:  too Gillibrand.
  4. Mitt Romney confronting George Santos in the greet line and repeatedly telling him “you ought to be embarrassed”: too necessary.
  5. Sarah Huckabee Sanders stating in her rebuttal “the dividing line in America is no longer between right or left, the choice is between normal and crazy”: too accurate.

You can listen to more of Doug's takes from this morning's segment below.

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