Photo: Joe G
Inflation, Inflation, go away,
Don’t come back some other day,
Getting tired of the over-pay,
Inflation, Inflation, go away,
Inflation, inflation, you are a fink,
I want you to know that you really do stink,
Groceries, gas, everything,
At the cashier, it really does sting,
Money does not grow on trees,
So, inflation, do us a favor,
And, hit the road, please,
So, all I really have left to say,
will someone invent a spray,
to make this lousy inflation finally go away.
G-Dawg (also known as Joe from the One Hour Joe Show, Weekend mornings from 9 - 10 a.m.
p.s. a note from Marge: Not sure poetry would be a good career for Joe either.