The Super Bowl’s made up of more than just two teams battling out for the NFL championship. You also have the pageantry, spectacle, ads, food, beer, gambling, and tons more. Here’s how the numbers break down for the big game:
- The cost of hosting the Super Bowl came to $46-million.
- The economic benefit to Atlanta will be $400-million.
- Tourists will spend an average of $305 a day.
- The average re-sale price of a game ticket will be $7,166.
- 4% of Americans believe firmly that the day after the Super Bowl should be a holiday.
- 10% of workers will call-in sick the day after the Super Bowl.
- 14,500 tons of chips will be downed throughout Super Bowl Sunday.
- More pizza will be consumed on Sunday that any average day by 67%.
- Of the adults who’ve bet on the Super Bowl, 92% have lost money.
- CBS will make $482 million from ad sales alone.
- In order to dance on Super Bowl Sunday, strippers must pay $350 for a permit.
- The Rams have won 1 Super Bowl in their history, that’s more than 13 other NFL teams.
- Last year, each member of the Philadelphia Eagles got a bonus check for $112,000.
- Last year, each member of the New England Patriots got a bonus check for $56,000.
- This is the 3 rd time the Patriots have played in back-to-back Super Bowls.
- 24% of Americans plan on going to a Super Bowl party.
- 38 billion chicken wings will be eaten throughout the day.
- 7 million-plus cases of beer are sold on Super Bowl Sunday.
- In total, 90% more beer is sold on Super Bowl Sunday than on any average day.
- 31% of adults will place a wager of some kind on Sunday’s game.
- The “Super Bowl Stock Market Indicator” has a 77% accuracy rate. If the NFC wins – stocks rise. If the AFC wins – stocks fall.
Photo: Getty Images