Elizabeth Warren Wants Tech Giants to Split

Senator Elizabeth Warren is defending her proposal to break up tech giants.

On CBS' “Face the Nation,” the Massachusetts Democrat and 2020 Presidential contender defended her SXSW interview with “The Verge” where she called for splitting up giant tech companies by saying they’re eating up little business startups and competing unfairly. Warren argued that she's in Washington not to work for billionaires, but to help even the playing field so that everybody gets a chance to compete.

The companies Warren named at SXSW are Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook. Where Apple is concerned, she says the App Store needs to be divested. For Facebook, she says it’s a matter of them owning too many messenger sites.

The Dem notes that similar antitrust principles were "applied to railroad companies more than a hundred years ago," and that "we need to now look at those tech platforms the same way."

Photo: Getty Images

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