A Marine from Georgia has stopped at nothing to adopt the black lab that saved his life during his deployment to Afghanistan. The black lab's name is "Blue" and she is specifically trained to sniff out explosives. She was partnered with the marine for two years and saved his life and those of his fellow soldiers so many times he lost count.
He promised to give her a good home when she retired. But, after his tour was up, he was reassigned, without Blue.
He lost track of her but vowed to keep his promise. After several years of trying, he finally tracked her down to Japan, where she had served her country for seven years and was retired at the age of 10.
She now lives with the marine and his family and her new favorite past time is playing with his two kids and snuggling on the couch.
You can see photos of them here.
A nice moment of unity at Siena this week. They had a prayer event on Monday evening to commemorate the school receiving three bells of remembrance from the Franciscan Friars who founded the school.
With the pandemic and the death of George Floyd, the commemoration took on added meaning and was held to honor lives lost and to encourage humility.
The 2020 graduates, who lost much his year due to the pandemic, rang the bells in celebration of their commencement.
This year's senior class gift will go towards installing the bells on the campus.
Students from BOCES' Exceptional Learners Division received quite the heartfelt surprise on Sunday. The students knew they were getting their diplomas during individual visits with the region’s principal. What they didn’t know though, was that a caravan of over 30 BOCES educators would be making the trip too. Principal Hunziker says this year's class was very, very special.
Timothy Finn and his 11 fellow graduates were also awarded their shares scholarship money. The BOCES program covers Warren, Washington, Saratoga, Hamilton and Essex Counties. Teachers, counselors and other staff traveled from the Meyers Education Center in Saratoga Springs. The caravan ended it's trek in, Indian Lake.
Photo: Getty Images