Five Apps For When You Need A Five-Minute Time-Out

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No matter how you spend your day, there’s always going to come a time when a break is desperately in order. Whether it’s to get away from work, kids, or whatever, here are some apps you can use to get five-minutes of “you time” in.

  • Re-Centering –“5 Minute Yoga”on Android and iOS gives micro-sessions to build strength, improve flexibility and get you in a more focused head space.
  • Brain Work –“This Tiny Crossword App” (Android/iOS) provides five-minute puzzles to get your brain movie while the coffee brews.
  • Thought Jotting –“Five Minute Journal” (Android/iOS) delivers quotes and writing prompts to give you inspiration to get some of your thoughts written down.
  • Nap Time –netgives you a wealth of time options, alarm sounds, and background noises so you can make the most of your nappy time.
  • Stories –“Shortly”(Android/iOS) is filled with one, two, and five-minute short stories. You start with a quick reading test, then tell the app how long you want to read. From there, you’ve got a ton of time-personalized stories to choose from.

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