NY State Assembly Members Receive New Tablets

In an ongoing effort to go green, new portable pro tablets have been made available to New York State Assembly members.

These tablets not only have the latest software, but cost upwards of $900 a piece, totaling approximately $140,000 of taxpayer money.

Albany Democratic Assemblywoman Pat Fahy says these tablets will help them do their jobs, and are part of a larger effort to modernize and cut down on paper.

"It's an extra tool, I think it will be helpful, and it certainly does cut down on the paperwork"

However, other legislators are not on board.

Freshman Republican Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh says she does not need the tablet, adding that she will use her own equipment, because it is more fair to the taxpayers.

"It wasn't something that I was aware of, requested, and it's nothing that I'm taking"

The tablets are set to be used during the current legislative session.

Photo: Getty Images

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