Increasing Number of Workers in New York Struggling Financially

"These aren't people who are trying to live off of public assistance, they're trying to avoid it, 

and they make too much to qualify and too little to survive." -Brian Hassett, United Way GCR

United Way is out with its ALICE report.  ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

Brian Hassett CEO of the United Way of the Greater Capital Region says the numbers will surprise many, with 44% of New York households saying they can no longer afford all of life’s basic necessities such as food, shelter, child care, transportation and health care.

United Way of the Greater Capital Region says these individuals and families are typically one small emergency away from a major crisis.

Listen to a free podcast about the ALICE study.


Although most have avoided needing public assistance, Hassett says many times there are simple community supports that can help people through some rough patches.  Somewhat surprisingly, Hassett says not all of the community supports are financial.

Learn more about the ALICE study, and ways you can help or be helped. Click here for link.

VILLACANAS, SPAIN - DECEMBER 21:  Fifty-year old unemployed former door factory worker Luis Gonzales, who has been without welfare payment now for two months being unable to pay his 160 Euro (211 US Dollars) a month morgage, his electicity and heating bil

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