"Sometimes people are not successful in their journey , but we can still have hope after that. We can share our stories so that other families don't have to walk that same path." Kristin Hoin, Race Director, Summer Smith 5K Addiction Awareness Memorial Run
Families dealing with addiction face a crisis that can be both urgent and chronic. It's a struggle that can best be understood by other families dealing with the same issues.
In this episode of Upstate Issues, Diane Donato talks with Kristin Hoin about her family's experiences as her daughter Summer struggled with addiction. It's an emotional story with triumphs and set-backs along the way. Despite her daughter's death, Hoin has an abiding hope that families can help one another and enjoy many successes and precious time along the way. Part of the solution, she says, is ending the stigma to get more people talking about addiction.
For more information about support services: www.for-ny.org/blog/turning-loss-hope-kristin-hoin/
Kristin Hoin has created the Summer Smith 5K Addiction Awareness Memorial Run, with the motto "Run the Race...Stop the Stigma." For more information: summersmith5k.com
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