Latham Man says he used same Limo Exactly 1 Year Before Schoharie Tragedy

Photo: Andy LaRose and his wife Julie

A Latham man is coming forward to talk about his experience with what he claims was the same limo driver, Scott Lisinicchia and the same vehicle that crashed on Saturday in Schoharie County, killing 20 people.  

Andy LaRose says he and his bride paid $900 to Saratoga Luxury Limo (Prestige Limo has several names under which they operate) for a day of service on October 6, 2017, exactly one year before the deadly crash.  

LaRose tells WGY News that the limo was "ratty and old" with rust and duct tape on the doors and he says the driver was "driving erratic, there were empty beer cans all over the back when he picked us up from the reception. He picked us up with an unidentified person in the front seat and I kept telling this to the owner, and the owner didn't care."

Here's the review Andy wrote nearly a year ago and the response from the owner:

LaRose was issued a $400 credit after his complaint.

LaRose also sent WGY this photo he says he took on October 6, 2017 which appears to show the same driver that was involved in the deadly crash this past weekend in Schoharie.

Erin Nudi of Queensbury, NY wrote on Facebook that she was also in this limo with Andy LaRose a year ago:

"My heart is broken for those families that were affected. If only the manager at the time took me seriously, maybe just maybe those people would be going to home to their families," LaRose said.

WGY news has reached out to attorney Lee Kindlon, who is representing Prestige's owners. A call has not yet been returned.

Photo: Facebook/Andy LaRose

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