Repairs Begin On, "Captain JP" After Friday's Hudson River Incident

The owner of one of the vessels that broke loose and traveled down the Hudson River on Friday morning says it will be repaired and put back into service.

Jim Pledger raced back to the Capital Region from Florida upon getting the call of what was happening to the, "Captain JP."

Pledger says it was pretty hectic, and not a good thing to be called at five-thirty in the morning and told his boat is floating down the river.

He adds that he was informed of a tugboat coming over the dam, breaking loose, ramming the front of Pledger's ship, knocking the boat off its moorings, and causing a chain reaction.

Pledger says the damages are in the range of $75,000-$150,000.

The Coast Guard will inspect the, "Captain JP" next week.

Photo: Getty Images

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