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The Colonie Police Department Special Investigations Unit made three arrests Thursday evening following a citizen complaint about prostitution activity.The citizen complained about a prostitute working out of the Sycamore Motel at 956 Loudon Road, but after 2 days of unsuccessful attempts to contact her, she did respond to undercover investigators and it was learned that she had moved to the Golden Circle Motel at 706 Loudon Road.Undercover investigators arranged via text message to pay $100.00 for sex with defendant, Annie Emery, and while the room was under surveillance observed the other two defendants (Glenn Massoth and David Hopeck) exit Emery’s room and use drugs in a vehicle in the lot. Emery was arrested in room 18 and found to have heroin in her possession and was also found to be wanted by Troy PD. Massoth and Hopeck were arrested in the lot and a crack pipe was recovered from Hopeck.
Massoth lied about his identity to prevent the discovery of 2 warrants for his arrest out of Troy and Waterford.All defendants were issued appearance tickets for Colonie Justice Court on March 4th, 2020 at 6:00pm, per the new bail reform.Troy PD and Waterford PD were unable to respond to pick up the defendants on their outstanding warrants.
The arrests occurred at the Golden Circle Motel 706 Loudon Road on 02-13-2020 at 11:45pm.
Photos: Colonie Police