Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes With These Tips

The U.S. Military came up with this method years ago that is supposed to help you fall asleep in just two minutes.  In fact, the 'secret method' was revealed in a book back in 1981. All you do is relax different parts of your body, one at a time. 

These are the five steps you need to follow. 

1. Relax your face, including your tongue, jaw and muscles around your eyes.

2. Drop your shoulders as low as they go and relax your arms one at a time.

3. Breathe out and relax your chest.

4. Starting with your thighs, relax each leg. 

5. Picture yourself in a calm location. If you're still not asleep, repeat the words "don't think, don't think" over and over again.

The military says if it doesn't work at first, keep at it. It has a 96% success rate after 6 weeks.

Photo: Getty Images

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