Top 10 Fears Americans Have

With Halloween fast approaching, lots of Americans will be ready to get their spook on, but it seems some folks don’t need haunted house theme parks to get them scared. That's because a new poll finds that a lot of people believe they’ve seen ghosts in real life.

The poll conducted by Groupon finds that more than 60% of people say they’ve seen ghosts in their lifetime, with 40% believing their pet has seen one too. As for how they reacted when they spotted the ghost, most people were likely to say they screamed and ran away, with men twice as likely to do so than women. Other reactions include crying, hiding and fainting.

But ghosts aren’t the only thing that scare people. The survey also revealed the Top Ten fears of most Americans, with snakes actually topping the list.

America’s Top Ten Fears

1.    Snakes

2.    Spiders

3.    Sharks

4.    Drowning

5.    Heights

6.    Public speaking

7.    Failure

8.    Bees

9.    Cramped spaces

10.  Rejection

Photo: Getty Images

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