WGY Listener Accuses Chuck & Kelly of Being “Left-Wingers”

It's surprising, enlightening and at times frustrating.  Kelly and I are continually accused of being conservatives who are "in the tank" for Trump... AND... "left wingers" with "an obvious liberal bias".  What's even more astonishing, we are often accused of such bias by BOTH sides on the SAME topic!  

Take the recent Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings.  We said accuser Chistine Blasey Ford should be heard by the Judiciary Committee but concluded Kavanaugh should be confirmed due a lack of corroborating evidence.  We got crushed by both sides.  

These days, it appears, unless you are 100% on one-side of an issue, people on the other side consider you the enemy.  Well, we value honesty, (actually many people say they appreciate our candor even when they disagree with us).  If President Trump says something we think is misguided we'll say so.  If he's victimized by unfair coverage in "the mainstream media" we'll say that too.  

Last week, we again were accused of right wing AND left wing bias when talking about Kanye West.  We talked about that this morning. - Chuck

Photo: Getty Images

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