Happy Hour: High Fashion Grandpa Becomes Internet Sensation

Some local kids helped seniors who just may be a bit challenged when it comes to technology.  Students from the Bethlehem Central High School became the teachers for the day, answering questions and helping the seniors with everything from sending emails to downloading iPhone apps.  

The class was held at the Albany Guardian Society, a senior service agency, free of charge.  

The smallest ever, surviving baby has finally been released from a hospital in California after 5 months. "Baby Saybie" was born at 28 weeks, weighing only 8.6 ounces. She was so tiny, she could fit in the palm of a hand.

Mom had life-threatening complications, so she was delivered by emergency c-section.

A man decided to dress his 84-year-old grandfather in some high fashion outfits. The photos are going viral. The grandson shared the trendy clothes photos on Twitter and Instagram. People love them so much that he set his grandpa up with his own Instagram. He already has 77,000 followers and growing.

Photo: Instagram

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