A 94-year-old World War 2 Veteran in Chicago never graduated high school because he was drafted halfway through his senior year. His son arranged for him to receive his diploma all these years later and it finally arrived on his 94th birthday.
76 years after he should have graduated high school, he walked across the stage at the graduation ceremony.
Delta Airlines is stepping up to help a military veteran carry out his promise to help mow lawns for free across the country. For the last 5 years, Rodney Smith has traveled the country providing free lawn care to anyone who needs it. He's helped single moms and the disabled by cutting their grass for free. This summer, he is focused solely on military veterans. He has been to every state but two; Hawaii and Alaska.
So, he tweeted Delta and they hooked him up. They didn't just get him there, they flew him first class and helped him accomplish his goal of mowing lawns for veterans in all 50 states.
It's tough enough for a kid to get through the entire school year without missing a day but how about 13 straight years of perfect attendance. Two students in the North Colonie Central School District are pulling it off.
It looks like Kayla Kilventon and Tyler Durivage will be graduating from Shaker High School with perfect attendance from kindergarten through 12th grade. They even bypassed Senior Skip Day to keep their perfect attendance records intact. Kayla says it's one of her proudest accomplishments. Both students thanked their moms for helping them get their perfect attendance records.