A high school student in Louisiana has been pranking his 12-year-old brother for the last few years. The older brother meets the bus every day and one day a couple of years ago, he decided to dress up in a costume as a prank. The younger brother was horrified, so of course, the older brother continued to do it every day, wearing a different costume. Over the years, he has been everything from a minion, to a fire fighter, to a gorilla and even Santa. People in the community are so entertained by it that they have been donating costumes so he doesn't have to repeat any.
The older brother says it started off as a prank, but has turned into so much more. He's making his brother laugh every day and making memories before he heads off to college next year.
A dog’s life is saved as he is given a chance at a new home. A family in the Cooperstown area was unable to take care of a German Shepherd named Jabari. His owner was diagnosed with dementia, and his family was unable to take care of the dog due to allergies. Local SPCA did not feel comfortable putting him up for adoption, due to what were deemed as “behavioral issues”.
A mutual connection put the SPCA in contact with Jim Fitzgerald of Glens Falls, who runs Alpha Dog Consulting and Training. He spoke with NewsChannel 13 saying that training with Jabari is going well and will continue until it is time to find Jabari the right home.
And a special thank you to the Fonda Fair. The Convoy for a Cause raised over $8 thousand for WGY Christmas Wish and the Leatherstocking Honor Flights. $4,065 was donated for WGY’s Christmas Wish which helps with various local children's organizations.
Photo: Facebook