Ten Ways To Help Yourself During Your Quarantine


On paper, being home from work and school sounds great. Then, you realize that everyone else is home also, your entertainment options are limited, and cabin fever starts to set in. Here are a few things you can try to break the monotony and keep yourself in positive headspace.

  • Keep Up Your Exercise Without The Gym –There are more and more apps popping up with great home exercise programs to play with.
  • Learn A Language –Take a home tutorial and make yourself smarter.
  • Kitchen Work –If you’ve been wanting to learn how to cook some things, but never had the time…now’s your chance!
  • Binging –Is there a show you’ve wanted to catch up on? Do it now.
  • Drinking –Don’t go crazy on this one. Have a few drinks, but don’t use this time to crossover into full-blown alcoholic.
  • Clean –It’s a pain in the ass, but it’s not like you won’t benefit from it. Clean, reorganize, and reset.
  • Hobbies –If you’ve ever thought about painting, photography, reading, or some other hobby, right now time’s your friend.
  • Meditation –Everyone can benefit from some quite reflection time.
  • Video Therapy –Like going to a real shrink, but you stay at home…and many health insurance plans cover it.
  • Don’t Isolate Yourself –Just because you’re “social distancing” doesn’t mean you’ve got to be isolated. The phone still works, right? Plus, there’s FaceTime, Skype, group chat, and tons of other things to keep you social. In fact, put together a Virtual Happy Hour today.

Photo: Getty Images

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