Stupid Criminals: Jeff Goldblum Lookalike Gets in Epic Street Fight

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A video surfaces in Richmond, Virginia of a pretty amazing fight that happened on the street that was taken from an apartment nearby.

One guy is shirtless and a little chubby, the other guy is tall and skinny and dressed all in black... and he looks an awful lot like Jeff Goldblum.

The guy in black came home from work and parked his scooter on the side of the road. The shirtless guy didn't like the way he parked it and started yelling at him; calling him all sorts of racial slurs, even though the guy is dressed in black is white.

The Jeff Goldblum lookalike landed a couple of punches, the shirtless guy landed a few punches. But then the Jeff Goldblum lookalike did some crazy roundhouse kicks and some back kicks right to the shirtless guys ribs and that did it. The both went their separate way. Someone called the police, both men declined to press charges. But the fight is pretty impressive.

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