WGY Mornings with Doug Goudie

WGY Mornings with Doug Goudie

The Capital Region's show for engaging conversations focused on the most important news stories of the day. Plus financial news, sports, lifestyle,...Full Bio


Stupid Criminals: St. Johnsville Men Steal Wooden Cow


This week we start in St. Johnsville. Police say they saw three men running down the street around 4 in the morning, carrying a wooden cow.

Turns out, the cow is one of several that were created by high school students, and placed around town. And these three thought it would be a funny prank to steal one. Well, they got caught. Police tracked them down to an apartment on west main street, where they found the cow hiding in a bedroom.

All three are now facing charges ranging from petty larceny to resisting arrest.

In Florida, a woman led police on a high speed chase in her Lexus. They tried to pull her over for doing 80 in a 45 mile per hour zone, but she just kept going. She hit 90, then fishtailed and almost crashed. And then police were able to box her in and ordered her out of the car at gunpoint. Once they had her in custody, she tried to talk her way out of it and started name dropping celebrities like Owen Wilson, Ryan Reynolds and The Rock. Then when they got her to jail, she demanded that they order her a pizza (which they did not do).

She's charged with DUI. Oh and she's also a lawyer... So there's that interesting tidbit.

In Canada, a guy got his truck stuck on a bridge, in the middle of nowhere. So, he decided to steal a piece of nearby construction equipment to try and free it.

He took a front end loader with a plow on the front and attempted to free his car with it. But he had no idea what he was doing, and ended up running over his own truck, and crushing it.  Then, he panicked and called police to report that someone had stolen his truck. Well, they figured out what happened pretty quickly and he's charged with stealing the equipment and public mischief.

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