Man Steals Girlfriend's Engagement Ring, Gives it to Other Girlfriend

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Most likely, Florida’s Joseph Davis spent his Valentine’s Day in seclusion and off-the-radar. That’s because the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, along with two ticked-off women, have some serious questions for him. Reportedly, Davis had two girlfriends, both of whom he’d met on the OKCupid dating site, while using the names “Joe Brown” and “Marcus Brown.” The story breaks down like this:

  • Girlfriend #1, he’s had since 2015, did a little social media sleuthing and discovered that not only was Davis a convicted felon, but that he was also engaged to another woman at the same time he was engaged to her.
  • Added to that? The shock of seeing the engagement ring that Girlfriend #2 was wearing. It was “identical” to the one she had…from a previous marriage.
  • That led #1 to look through her jewelry box, where she found that ring, other rings, and more gone…at total loss of about $6,270.
  • So, she contacted #2 over Facebook, and found out that pair had been dating since 2016. After being contacted by #1, #2 realized she, too, had been stolen from…with jewelry and a laptop missing.

To add to the fun, Girlfriend #2 now recalls being taken to #1’s home for a rendezvous, thinking it was her boyfriend’s house, while #1 was at work…and was even asked if she’d be interested in “moving in with him.” Fortunately, that deal fell through. In addition to this mess, Davis reportedly also has an active warrant in Oregon for “hit-and-run, domestic assault, and possession of cocaine.”Sounds like a keeper, ladies!

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