Focus on your audience, not your selfie, Joe!

Hi, listeners! It's me Joe Gallagher. The photo is a selfie that I took while talking with you on air recently. I stopped in mid show to pose for this photo. I was going to take another one right after, but producer Zach said that it was rude of me to take my attention away from you and place it on myself. I hope you will join us each Saturday and Sunday morning from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

My first weekend back on the air, during my opening statement, I said that I had missed you, and that I would still be missing you if my wife had not told me to take the weekend job or paint the garage. One or the other. So, here I am. Signed, Your pal, G-Dawg, also known as The Dazzler.

p.s. It took me 10-15 seconds to get a keeper. Next time I think I can do it in 10 sec. or less. Oh, by the way, your taking the time to listen on weekends is greatly appreciated!

Joe taking a selfie in the studio

"I stopped right in the middle of my show to take this photo. Maybe I should have been a photographer instead!"Photo: Joe G

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