I’m positive my math was correct. A gentlemen called me on the air the other day to ask me if I knew how many screw ups I had on my previous weekend’s show. He claimed there were 10. I said, oh, no, I only counted 7 or 8. He told me he was a retired math teacher, and he was sure he was correct. I said big deal and added that I could have been a math teacher as well, but I had some problems with formulas and equations. He then asked how many screw ups I had listed for that day’s show. I said I had 2 listed. He said he had 6. 6, I said I have been only on the air for only a short time on that day. He then asked if I had any radio broadcast training. I said that I almost did, but not quite. He eventually hung up. PLEASE NOTE: Broadcast training? I already knew how to tell time and say the temperature. What more did I have to learn? Yikes!