Why is Zach smiling while Joe is frowning?Photo: Joe G
Why is producer Zach smiling and show host Joe Gallagher frowning?
On Ground Hog Day, the famous groundhog had projected 6 more weeks till spring. Meanwhile in Mid-February, a costumed, what appeared to be, groundhog, stopped by the WGY studios to look for his shadow.
When Joe inquired as to how many weeks till spring this one came up with, he found out that the so-called groundhog had replied that he was sorry but his shadow revealed something worse: 6 more weeks of the Joe Gallagher Show. Now Joe knows that no self respecting groundhog would ever make such an outrageous statement. This picture was snapped soon after. Zach claims he had no idea where the so called groundhog came from. The video of the event appeared on WGY's facebook page.