The King Of Satire And Disguise | Matt Walsh

On today’s episode of the Sunday Special, I sit down with the man, the myth, the fearless leader of the Sweet Baby Gang, The Daily Wire’s very own Matt Walsh. Walsh’s knack for revealing lies with satire has been captured once again in "Am I Racist?”, where the toxicity of racial equity is on full display. In the film, Matt infiltrates a “White Privilege Grief Workshop,” disguises himself as a DEI consultant to the queen of the anti-racists, Robin DiAngelo, and all while threads the needle for us as viewers on the profound anti-Americanism that undergirds it all. All of us at The Daily Wire cannot wait for the rest of the nation to see the film, and grapple with the reality of the DEI industry. Don’t miss this inside look at "Am I Racist?", out in theaters September 13th. Welcome back to another episode of the Sunday Special.



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